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Eye (Upper) Lid Skin Tightening

When it comes to restoring a more youthful look, one of the biggest game changers is addressing the upper eye lid area.

Your eyes are usually the first area to show ageing effects and a tired looking appearance including:

  • Wrinkles
  • Hollowness
  • Puffiness
  • Loose skin
  • Thinning skin

Treatment Options

Plasma Lift (Non-Surgical) Upper Eyelid Lift with A|C|C|O|R Plasma Pen


$1250 for a single session

If a second treatment is desirable then a reduced price is determined based on the size of area requiring further treatment

Your questions answered

What is theA|C|C|O|R Plasma Pen?

The A|C|C|O|R Plasma Pen is a gentle less invasive alternative to skin tightening surgery. The combination of plasma and NF+ technology, currently makes the plasma pen unique, worldwide.

ACCOR Plasma Pen Image

The science behind A|C|C|O|R Plasma Pen skin tightening?

Plasma is the fourth state of matter following solid, liquid or gas. The principle behind plasma is that when ionized nitrogen is exposed to oxygen (air) it creates a gas. This process creates an electrical arc (think miniature lightning bolt) which can vaporise tissue without touching the skin.

This new and amazing technology allows us to deliver very precise plasma arcs to the skin without harming surrounding tissue. The treatment targets the outer layer of the epidermis (top layer of skin) creating external micro-trauma resulting in immediate contraction and tightening of the skin. This causes excess skin to dry superficially creating tiny brown, crusty carbon dots which slough off like a scab would within 5-8 days post procedure.

What areas can be treated?

  • Skin tightening: Upper and lower eye lids, Under eye bags, Soft Facelift, throat and tummy lift
  • Wrinkles and uneven skin surface reduction eg:crow’s feet, worry lines,
  • Smile and lip lines
  • Neck- sagging and loose skin, lines and crepiness
  • Scar reduction/improvement
  • Stretch marks
  • Enlarged pores

What does treatment involve?

The upper lid area to be treated is numbed with local anaesthetic cream. Treatment involves the formation of small carbon dots strategically place to create a tightening of the skin.

Is there any downtime?

Black carbon dots, redness and swelling will be present on the skin for immediately following treatment and will take 3-7 days to fall off. Some patient prefer to take leave from work during this time.

The area must be kept dry at all times until all the carbon dots have fallen off.

The treated area will have a special post care cream and skin coloured camouflage cream after the procedure. You will be given both these creams to reapply as necessary until all carbon dots have fallen off.

Your normal skincare and foundation may be resumed when all dots have fallen off.

What results should I expect?

The treated skin will retract and tighten giving an instant tightening effect with improving results in continued tightening and collagen stimulation over a 12 week period.

ACCOR Before After Image

How many treatments will I need?

Usually 1 treatment is required, however, for more severe cases a second treatment may be desirable.

How long will my results last?

Results can last up to 4 years depending on the patients age, skin quality and lifestyle factors.

Are there any side effects?

Mild darkening of pigment where the carbon dots may occur in some patients which can be treated with an appropriate depigmenting cream. Even without intervention this darkened pigment generally resolves over time.

Is the procedure painful?

The eye area is a very sensitive area so a numbing cream is applied to the area prior to treatment. If discomfort is still experienced then injections of local anaesthetic are used to numb the area completely.

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