The neck is an often neglected treatment area. The neck area receives as much sun exposure as the face. Neglecting to treat the neck area can make face treatments look more obvious to those around us. We want results to appear natural and this is best achieved if we treat the face, neck and décolletage as one with seamless transition through these areas.
Matrix PDO threads are an increasingly popular treatment option for non-surgical neck rejuvenation. They were originally developed in Korea around 9 years ago, but have only been available in Australia more recently.
Matrix PDO threads procedures are fairly straight forward with minimal associated downtime making it a popular treatment option for those seeking an alternative option to a traditional surgical neck lift, which are costly and invasive.
Pricing: | Pricing: Mono Threads from $300 Long Threads from $800 depending on area treated and quantity of threads required |
PDO (Polydioxanone) threads consist of an absorbable polymer suture like material which is both flexible and durable making it an ideal material for minimally invasive skin rejuvenation, tightening and lifting. PDO thread material has been used in surgery for many years.
There are 3 main types of PDO threads currently available:
Mono threads: Numbing cream is applied to the treatment area for 20 mins to decrease treatment discomfort. The area is then cleanse with surgical grade skin disinfectant. Multiple fine needles containing fine threads similar to a hair shaft are inserted into the skin. The fine needles are then removed leaving the fine thread underneath the skin.
Long threads: A very small amount of Local anaesthetic is injected into the skin with a very fine needle to numb the area to introduce a pilot needle. A longer blunt needle is then inserted to inject local anaesthetic along the pathway the long thread will take. This blunt needle is removed and a long needle containing the PDO thread is inserted into the numbed area. Once the PDO needle is in the correct position the needle is withdrawn leaving the thread behind. The thread is then pulled to create a lift and the excess thread above the skin trimmed.
Both PDO Mono and Long threads can take anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes depending on the number of threads required for the procedure.
Apart from the initial sting of the small local anaesthetic injection procedure the whole treatment area is numb so this treatment is essentially painless.
Mono Threads: Initially you might observe a correction in the treated area, however, this is due to swelling and will subside. The mono threads stimulate an increase in collagen production which takes approximately 12 weeks to occur.
Long Threads: Due to the mechanical lifting nature of the barbed long threads, a clinical result is apparent immediately. Skin quality also improves in the treated area over a 12 week period due to collagen stimulation.
Dermal Filler injections are an excellent treatment modality for the ageing neck to:
Pricing: | $550 per ml of dermal filler - Usually 1-2 mls required depending on individual needs. |
Dermal fillers are injectable gels containing hyaluronic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in the skin. They give your skin hydration and volume, reducing the depth of wrinkles and restoring facial balance and volume loss through the ageing process.
Hyaluronic acid is a complex sugar that holds water to retain moisture in our skin and joints. The amount of naturally- occurring hyaluronic in our bodies decreases as we age.
Dermal filler gel containing hyaluronic acid and lidocaine(local anaesthetic) is injected into or below the skin to smooth wrinkles, enhance lips and restore facial volume loss due to ageing.
Dermal filler injections produce instant results and usually take 15-30 minutes to perform.
The effects of dermal fillers can last anywhere from 9 to 24 months depending on the dermal filler product used as different types of products have different longevity.
There is usually mild discomfort in the form of a stinging sensation as the needle penetrates the skin.
Most dermal fillers these days contain local anaesthetic to reduce injection discomfort so they essential numb the area during the injections.
There are a number of other ways to reduce injection discomfort:
Pricing: | $800-$2000 depending on size of treatment area |
The ACCOR plasma pen is a gentle less invasive alternative to skin tightening surgery. The combination of plasma and NF+ technology, currently makes the plasma pen unique, worldwide.
Plasma is the fourth state of matter following solid, liquid or gas. The principle behind plasma is that when ionized nitrogen is exposed to oxygen (air) it creates a gas. This process creates an electrical arc (think miniature lightning bolt) which can vaporise tissue without touching the skin.
This new and amazing technology allows us to deliver very precise plasma arcs to the skin without harming surrounding tissue. The treatment targets the outer layer of the epidermis (top layer of skin) creating external micro-trauma resulting in immediate contraction and tightening of the skin. This causes excess skin to dry superficially creating tiny brown, crusty carbon dots which slough off like a scab would within 5-8 days post procedure.
Usually only 1 treatment is required, however, a second treatment may be required to achieve optimum results in cases where skin laxity is more pronounced.